List of my publications
„Durch Ähnliches Heilen – Homöopathie in Österreich“Editor Dr. Peter König; the part on „Homeopathic Remedy Proving“, Orac Verlag
„Documenta Homoeopathica“
(Editor Dr. Franz Swoboda, Maudrich Verlag)
Nr. 15, 1995: „The dream topics of Mercurius solubilis“
Nr.16, 1996: "2 cases of skin patients“
„Proving of Mater perlarum“ (Co-Autor)
Nr.17, 1997: „Aurum muriaticum – 3 cases“
Nr. 19.1999: „Proving of Kalium sulphuricum“
Nr.20, 2000: „Proving of Natrium phosphoricum“
Nr.21, 2001: „Martin – 6 years of homeeopathic treatment“
Nr.22, 2002: „Fear, compulsion and depression – the homeopathic treatment of mental illnesses“
Nr.23, 2003: „Kinderwunsch – a homeopathic Ansatz“
Nr.24, 2004: „Norbert – posttraumatic stress disorder“
1 Beitrag zum Artikel über „Kreosotum“
Nr.25, 2005: „Remedy provings – how they were, are and could be“
2 cases in „Euphorbiaceae, die Wolfsmilchgewächse“
(„Sore throat since 2 days“ und „Viktorias anguish and compulsion“)
Nr.26, 2006: „Salvia officinalis – Remedy proving“ (with Co-author Dr. Walter Glück)
„Symptom or no symptom – The phenomena of dissociation during the remedy proving)“
...Nr.27, 2008: „Vipera berus – the Kreuzotter in proving and practice“
Nr. 28, 2011:“Magnesium bromatum – first remedy proving“
„Magnesium jodatum – first remedy proving“
...Nr.29, 2013: A case of dulcamara (Colitis ulcerosa) in „Nachtschatten im Streiflicht“
1 case in „Nux moschata – Luxury, drug, spice and remedy“
...Nr.30, 2014:“Carboneum sulfuratum – remedy proving and 2 cases (allergy and excessive sweating)“
Nr. 31, 2016: „Coccinella septempunctata - remedy proving“
Nr. 32, 2017: "Curcuma longa - remedy proving " - co-author with Ingrid Nowotny and Michaela Zorzi
Homoeopathic Links
4/1996: “Eczema of the hands: A Case Of Natrium Arsenicosum”
2/1997: „Personal Experiences in Proving Remedies“
3/2015: "Proving of Thymus vulgaris"
2/2017: "Motion! " a typical Rhus toxicodendron-case (Joint pains)
“Homöopathie in Österreich”
Editor Ă–GHM (Austrian Association of Homeopathic Medicine)
1/00: „Experiences with fluxional potencies“
4/01: „Stefan S. – spastic bronchitis“
4/02: „Nadja – sleep disorder in a new-born“
1/06: "3 Apis cases (2 akuce sore throats, 1 excema of the face and ovarial cysts) and 1 Cantharis-case (acute bladder infection)"
3/06 "3 Lac cases (Rheuma, behavioural disorder in a child and gynekomastia)"
3/11 „Carbo vegetabilis – a case of allergic asthma“
Folia Homeopathica 2/2004:
"Experiences with fluxional potencies"
Lectures at Congresses:
Congresses of the LMHI (Liga Medicorum Homoeopathiae Internationalis):
1998 Amsterdam „Proving of Kalium sulfuricum“
2000 Budapest „Proving of Vipera berus“
2003 Graz „The process of the homeopathic remedy proving - phenomena of dissociation“
2005 Berlin „Remedy provings – from Hahnemann till today“
2014 Paris: „Proving of Thymus vulgaris“
2015 Rio de Janeiro „A case of Carotitis dissecans bilateralis“
2016 Buenos Aires: "Successful treatment of a colitis ulcerosa patient for 10 years"
2017 Leipzig: "Placebo in Provings - Exclusion or inclusion criteria?" together with Dr. Jörg Hildebrandt
European Cogress of Homeopathy in Riga 2011:
Head of scientific committee
„Prenatal influences and their cure by homeopathy“
„Homeopathic Treatment in a case of Diabetes 1“
ECH Kongress 2016 Wien
Head of scientific committee
German-Austrian Conferences (DZVhÄ und ÖGHM)
2004 Köthen „Norbert – posttraumatic stress disorder“
2008 Bamberg „Homeopathic Double Case-taking“ (together with Dr. Wolfgang Springer)
„C.D. - Long-term case of a chronic sick patient“
Homeopathic Forum 2002, Salzburg:
„3 cases of mental illnesses (one anxiety disarder, one compulsive disarder and a depression)
Annual conferences of the Ă–GHM:
Lectures during the conferences 1995 -1997, 1999, 2001 und 2002.
German-Austrian Conferences (DZVhÄ und ÖGHM), 2004 Köthen
Best Lecture of the conference (together with 7 other lecturers)
„Peithner Special Award for Research in Homeopathy“ for the publication
„Remedy provings – from Hahnemann till today“