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Reinhard Flick Wien Vienna Homöopathie

Dr. Reinhard Flick

Born 1954, 1 grown-up daughter, since 1985 private ordination in Wien 1070 with focus on complementary medicine. Used therapeutic methods: Homeopathy, Acupunkture, F.X.Mayr-Cures. Since 1995 member of the teachers‘ team of the ÖGHM (Austrian Association of Homeopathic Medicine) as part of medical doctors‘ and pharmacists‘ trainings. Till 2018 for more than 10 years university lecturer of the „Wahlfach Homöopathie“ of the Medical University of Vienna (with several other lecturers).

Numerous publications in various homeopathic journals and lectures at local and international congresses.

Psychotherapeutic experience in individual and group therapy.

For many years activity in the „Department for alternative and complementary Medicine“ of the Vienna Medical Association (Ärztekammer für Wien) and in the board of the ÖGHM, from 2006 – 2014 as vice-president. Since 2011 delegate of the ÖGHM in the Subcomittee Provings of the ECH (European Commttee for Homeopathy).

I acquired the following Diplomas of the Austrian Medical Association: : Homeopathy - Acupuncture - psychosomatic Medicine - psychotherapeutic Medicine.

Reinhard Flick Wien Vienna Homöopathie

A bit on myself:

With the beginning of my medical studies I started to show interest in complementary medicine. I did not want just to treat organs and isolated illnesses but the person in her/his totality.

In the areas of homeopathy, Chinese medicine and psychotherapy I found this wholistic approach.

Complementary medicine should complement and support conventional medicine in a useful way for the patient. During my activity at the Vienna Medical Chamber (Department for alternative and complementary medicien) I always stood for a positive co-operation of all therapeutic schools in the sense of an optimal treatment of the single patient.

I am satisfied to be able to practice this kind of medicine that puts the individual patient with all his/her sorrows and complaints into the center of the treatment. The mental sphere, the personal background of the indvidual always was of special importance for me. For this reasons I trained in several psychotherapeutic methods like Gestalt, Bioenergetics, NLP, Breath Therapy to aquire the necessary knowledge for my profession.

I am not only a doctor and homeopath, but also a human being who is able to enjoy the beautiful sides of life. I love to cook, enjoy good food and excellent wines and like to smoke a good cigar. I love motion in the open air like jogging, cycling or hiking the mountains which I love very much. - Practice Dr. Reinhard Flick, A-1070 Wien Sep.2024 [Contact] [Legal info]